
Showing 7 of 203 result

Film and Television

Film and Television Department offers its students a comprehensive education program that incorporates theoretical and practical knowledge required in professional and academic career. Our department aims to provide students the theoretical background, culture, education and skills for creating and analyzing fiction and non-fiction audio-visual products for cinema, television, radio and new media.

Public Relations and Publicity

Bahçeşehir University’s Public Relations Department aims to educate communication professionals who specialize in all fields of public relations, which is one of the basic functions of modern management, in a variety of areas which include corporate communication and reputation management.


Bahçeşehir University’s Advertising Department’s goal is to educate successful communicators in the creative, strategic, and research fields in an integrated format. The Advertising Department aims to demonstrate what advertisement, an important media source which influences the public, is for, why it is useful, how it is processed in various media environments, and how it is created.

Digital Game Design

In our day, especially with the developments in the mobile platforms and internet technologies, computer games have become rather prevalent in our country, as they are across the world, and have turned into a popular media consumed by wide masses without differentiation across gender or age.

New Media

Revolutionary changes in newsgathering and news writing through new media devices require a new educational program. Our motive is to construct a new curriculum that includes training in new modes of communication and news content production.

Communication Design

Communication Design Department leads the visual communication effectiveness of print, time-based and interactive media with design education. The focus is on design thinking and design making towards ethical, creative and trendsetting practices across a variety of media.

Cartoon and Animation

The disciplines of cartoon and animation become popular mediums consumed by large masses both in commercial and artistic terms, within mobile platforms, Internet technologies, advertising, entertainment and education. In Turkey, these disciplines are currently on their way to become proper industries, just like the education and cinema sectors. Both state television and foreign media organizations […]

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